About Us
Vivian Black, Founding Partner
30+ years doing software development, software project management and Internet security:
- Analyzing customer requirements
- Designing complex business process software
- Developing custom web sites
- Managing and completing intricate software projects
- Installing Internet security systems
- Administering Linux / UNIX servers and networking equipment
3 years teaching corporate
and university-level courses on computer programming, system
administration, networking and Internet security issues.
- M.B.A., San Diego State University Executive MBA
Program, San Diego, California
- B.S. Computer Science, University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland
Randall Black, Ph.D., Founding Partner
- 40+ years in high-tech:
- Inventor and new product designer for both academic
and commercial scientific organizations
- Scientific analysis for physics, electrical engineering
and software development projects
- Gathering and analyzing customer requirements
- Hardware design, circuit design, firmware design
- Software project management for both scientific and
commercial applications
- Database development for commercial applications
- Development experience includes PHP, MySQL, Delphi,
Visual Basic, C, plus many other languages.
- Education:
- Ph.D. Physics, University of Maryland, College Park,
- M.S. Physics, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
- B.S. Mathematics,
Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia
- B.S. Computer Information Systems,
Shenandoah University, Winchester, Virginia